
Eight Reasons Why the Birdy Jungle Explorer is the Perfect Folding Bike for Adventurers

Folding bikes are an amazing choice of  transportation for commuters, travellers, and casual cyclists alike, thanks to their ability to be easily b...

One Bike For Every Situation: Why the Birdy GT is a Unique Foldable Gravel Bike

When it comes to foldable bikes, the Birdy GT already stands out as a unique and special option. While it possesses the portability and compact des...

Buying a Birdy from Singapore vs buying it from overseas: Exploring the differences

If you’re in the market for a high-performance folding bike, the Birdy stands out as one of the best.  With its sleek and compact folding design, t...

Discover the Birdy Rohloff: A Performance Folding Bike for Epic Journeys

When it comes to performance and reliability, the Birdy Rohloff folding bike – also known as the “King of Birdy” – might just take the crown. But w...

What is a Gravel Bike?

Introduction During the 2010s, a new type of bicycle began to take the cycling world by storm. “Gravel bikes”, as they were dubbed by manufacturers...

What is a Monocoque Frame? Why does the Birdy use it?

Introduction The Birdy folding bicycle is renowned for its monocoque frame, which every model builds its components around. But what exactly is a m...

Birdy Rohloff: How Uncle Steven Reignited His Passion For Cycling

The Birdy Rohloff is the King of all performance foldable Birdy bicycles. Featuring a 14-speed internal gear hub, which requires little to no maint...

The battle between Birdy New Classic and Birdy City

Enjoy going on an adventure or getting in some exercise but hate walking? Birdy bikes aren’t just a series of foldable bikes, they’re a lifestyle t...

Birdy JK-11 Road or Birdy JK-11 Gravel – Which should I get?

Question: Can the Birdy JK-11 Gravel cycle on this ground? Answer: Definitely. So what exactly is a gravel bike? Gravel bikes are gaining popularit...

Top 5 cycling routes in Singapore for the Birdy bikes

Singapore is often called the “Little Red Dot” due to our small size, and many assume that we lack many routes to cycle and exercise on. However, h...

Developments of the Cycling Infrastructure in Singapore

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people have begun to exercise outdoors and have started to pick up cycling as a leisure hobby. As this c...

Little Known Cycling Routes

Do you wish to go on a local adventure? Here are a few little known cycling routes that you can try!